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Come journey with us as we explore our
Lord Jesus Christ
through the following studies

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"Why Does a God of Love Allow Suffering


  • Scripture referencesGen. 1:1; ​Rev. 21:1; Gen. 6:5;John 21:14-16; Acts 12:1-5; Luke 20:35-37; Heb. 2L5-8; and Rev. 2:5-8

  • Overview: two goals to discuss - Earth 1.0 and Earth 2.0. Albert Einstein suggests: "Doing the same thing over expecting a different result is the definition of insanity." God wants a relationship with His creation - that was always His intent. The events of the Garden of Eden changed that relationship, but God is not through with His creation - (Differences between Earth 1.0 and Earth 2.0). Link to video -


"Titles Synopsis" - purpose of this section serves as a Table of Content and video links to the studies. Link to view video -


Content as follows - Chapter by Chapter:

  1. New Heaven and New Earth - God is not going to fix this world - He's creating a new one (Scriptures: Genesis 1; Revelation 21; Isiah 65:17). This topic will be in two parts.

  2. Guardians of the First Earth - God appointed angels to protect the human race - they failed. Link to video -

  3. Guardians of the New Earth - in order to prevent the same problem, God changed the conditions to guard sin from every happening again.

  4. Be like God - What Satan meant for evil, God meant for good [The Great Set Up]

  5. Where did Sin Come From - Freedom to Choose. Link to video -

  6. God Requires A Choice - Link to video -

  7. Who is on the Lord's side? - Link to video -




8. Immune System - Link to video - 

9. Beautiful Places the Three Original Sins - were committed in places where nothing evil was known. Link to video - 

10. Three Original Sins - (1) Satan - like the Most High [Isaiah 14:13-15] (2) Garden of Eden,  (3) Angels - Human Women [Genesis 6]. Link to video - 

11. Never Having Suffered - Satan / Adam & Eve / Soon to Fall Angels Link to view video -  

12. The Three Human Races - (1) Adamic Race; (2) Angels + Women = Giant Race; (3) 13. Resurrection Race [Luke 2-:36]. Link to video - 

13. Destruction of the Second Race - (1) Flood; (2) Canaan; (3) Goliath & Sons under David's Reign. Link to video - 

14. Birth of the Third Race [Emmanuel] - God with us Scripture: Romans 8:3 Link to video - 

15. God Defeated by His Own Righteousness - Satan used the wickedness of man to drive a wedge between God and his crowning achievement. Link to video - 

16. God so Loved that He gave in - Grace is what God employed to keep the human race in spite of suffering. Link to video - 

17. Curse God and Die - Job's wife looked at suffering and rejected God Link to video - 

18. Curse You to Your Face - this is the lie that Satan told God Link to video - 

19. Better Resurrection - Eternal reward [Hebrews 11:35; Luke 20:36]. Link to video - 

20. Tears in Heaven - [Revelation 21:4]. Link to video - 

21. Beyond Salvation - [2 Timothy2:12]. Link to video - 

22. Deny Self - accept suffering [Luke 9:23]. Link to video - 

23. Suffering of Spiritual Warfare - [Ephesians 6:11-13] Link to video - 

24. Endure Hardening [Basic Training] - [2 Timothy 2:3]. Link to video - 

25. Joined in the Suffering - [Phil 2:5]. Link to video - 

26. Feeling of our Infirmities - [Hebrews 4:15]. Link to video - 

27. Fellowship of His suffering - [Philippians 3:8]. Link to video - 

28. World to Come - [Hebrews 2:5]. Link to video - 




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